Saxifraga stolonifera 'Harvest Moon'
- Click here to visit our Main Plant List page for current availability of this plant
- common names: strawberry begonia
- flowering season: May - June
- height: 3 to 6 inches tall and wide; a plant spreads by thin runners into a widening colony
- Light requirements: partial shade, but a certain amount of strong light for best coloring
- Soil requirements: average garden soil or potting soil that drains freely
- Water requirments: less than average
- Growth habit: grows as a low clump and spreads by runners similar to the way strawberries can spread
- How to propagate: snipping the runners of one of the younger plants and transpanting it
- Leaf type: 1 to 2-inch round leaves that become golden yellow to mustard yellow in medium strong light
- Ways to use it: makes a permanent and undemanding houseplant if pot-grown, or will cover the ground in a semi-shaded location outdoors
- Special characteristics: it is happier if allowed to dry out between waterings than if kept constantly moist; this plant is often happier if the leaves are misted with water than watering its roots
- Other points of interests: the leaves are evergreen where winters are not too severe
Although one common name for this plant is strawberry begonia, it is neither a strawberry nor a begonia. But it is low and spreads by runners the way strawberries do, and there is something about the leaves of this saxifrage that is reminiscent of a tuberous begonia's leaves, maybe being lightly hairy and having a similar texture? 'Harvest Moon' prefers more shade than sun, however if grown in too much shade the leaves will be more green than golden. So a fair degree of bright sunlight is necessary. You will notice on a plant that the upper leaves will be more golden, whereas the lower, more shaded leaves will be darker and greener. It has tiny white flowers on stems twelve to fifteen inches tall in late spring to early summer. Despite the fact that it does spread by runners, it is one of the easiest plants to keep under control because the plants are so often delicately rooted into the ground. It tolerates dry gound well, and would be a good choice for a groundcover in dry shade. When grown in a pot let the soil dry out considerably more than you would most potted plants. It can also absorb moisture through its leaves, so misting the leaves between watering the soil is helpful. When grown in a pot, if its soil is kept constantly wet, the roots will rot. This carefulness with its watering is also reminiscent of the care that is needed with watering tuberous begonias. USDA Zones 5 - 9. This plant thrives on neglect. |